
UI Programer Jobs in TX, USA

UI Programer

  • Frisco, TX, USA 
Gearbox Software
4 to 4 years
Full Time
Job Description

4+ years game industry experience Excellent C++ and OOP skills At least two shipped game title in a UI programming role Familiarity with game industry standards in UI technologies and techniques Must be able to work well in a team environment Excellent written, verbal, and communication skills Design, implement, and maintain UI Systems and Tools Collaborate with UI/UX Leads, Designers, Artists and Gameplay Programmers to create high quality user experiences Participate in scheduling, design and code review process Analyze crash reports, seek and destroy bugs, optimize performance

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  • JOBSinWORLD makes no responsibility regarding reliability of this job.
  • JOBSinWORLD always recommends to check the company of this job.
  • Please beware of seeking money for any job offer.
IT Jobs for Freshers